Fibromyalgia is an extremely painful condition. It can cause a wide range of unpleasant symptoms, from insomnia to chronic pain. In the past, very few treatments were available for this condition.
Savella is a new drug approved by the FDA for the treatment of patients with fibromyalgia. Available only with a prescription, it is the first OTC drug approved for this purpose. This new treatment has several major pros and cons.
The main and main advantage is that it is completely safe and does not carry any health risks. Since this medication is not a prescription, you do not need to worry about a doctor's prescription. Patients can take Savella in the same way as prescription drugs. This means that there will be no more inconvenient visits to the pharmacy.
There are also fewer side effects than many other prescription drugs. Less muscle pain muscle and joint pain, less fatigue.
However, Savelle also has disadvantages. Its effectiveness is not exactly known. Patients often complain of little or no relief. Many patients even report minor side effects such as nausea or dizziness.
Some patients complain of a side effect known as hypokalemia. This condition can occur if the patient takes too much Savelle, as some of the medicine is excreted in the urine. Unfortunately, most patients do not have hypokalemia.
The major disadvantage of Savella, other than the fact that it's new, is that it comes in only one dosage. Many people who suffer from fibromyalgia find this to be a problem. They may take several tablets per day and find it difficult to follow the recommended dose. Even if you do follow the prescription closely, the effectiveness can vary from person to person. If you are on this medication for a long time, you may see little or no results at all.

While Savella has its good points, the safety and effectiveness are unknown
This new treatment has a lot to prove before it becomes an option for thousands of chronic fibromyalgia sufferers.
Patients should also be aware that the new treatment has been endorsed by many scientists, doctors and other experts who have looked at other natural alternatives to prescription drugs. Most medical experts now agree that the best way to treat fibromyalgia is with natural treatments. The new medication appears to be a natural alternative to many other treatments that have proven successful in the past.
It is important for patients to make sure that the natural medicines used in this treatment are safe. Natural remedies for fibromyalgia are now available in many different forms and are often more effective and safer than the conventional medications that are available today.
Patients should check with their primary care physician before starting any natural treatments. Make sure that the doctor checks with the FDA for any side effects.
Patients should also ask their doctors for help when trying to decide which natural treatment to try. Doctors can often recommend medications that are considered safe, effective and are also FDA approved. They can also help patients find the right combination of supplements and exercises to get relief from fibromyalgia.
Patients should also ask their doctors about how many doses can be taken. Although doctors typically recommend up to six tablets per day, some doctors will prescribe even more, as long as patients follow the prescribed doses with regular exercise.
Another important aspect of fibromyalgia treatment is to make sure that patients eat a proper diet that contains plenty of fruits and vegetables. Fibromyalgia symptoms often develop because the body is unable to process enough of the nutrients found in foods. In order to get maximum benefits from natural treatment, it is important to eat a healthy diet rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins. This will promote better health and allow the body to produce new cells and repair itself.