Addison Rene Easterling is a dancer and social media star from North Carolina
She is the daughter of entertainer Randy Easterling and singer/actor/singer Donna Page. Addison is one of the youngest celebrity children of famous parents. Addison is ranked as the eighth most followed person on Twitter in October 2020 by Forbes Magazine.
Addison grew up hearing her mother and Randy Easterling's name every time her parents were on television. Addison knows that her father was not happy with her being on TV and would occasionally hit her for being late to pick him up for work. When Addison was young, she did not see much difference between modeling and acting, though modeling was her major goal. She always had the dream of modeling and auditioning for Disney on Broadway or on the Oprah Winfrey talk show.
The birth of the internet has brought about many changes in our lives, and social media is just one of those. It is becoming more important for every child to have a social media presence. All children need to see their favorite celebrities every now and then so that they can keep in touch with them and stay inspired.
Many parents are concerned about what their child is doing on social media. One of the best ways to protect your children is by watching everything they do. Most children are very careful when it comes to the computer. However, there are some children who are easily influenced by their parents' activities on the computer. If you know what they are doing on the computer, it is easier to monitor what they are doing.
When you want to protect your child, start by deleting any pictures of them that show them on social media sites. Many sites that allow pictures require parental authorization. You should also not give your child a username that is too difficult for them to remember.
Also, be sure that your children are not sharing the Internet with anyone else
There are predators out there who use computers to access information and spread harmful items and information. They may not want to pass this information onto their friends, but they may have no problem doing so if they think it will put them closer to you. if they get caught.
Be watchful when it comes to emailing pictures of yourself, family members, and friends. Ask your child to give you permission before sending them an email asking that their email address be used. Don't respond to emails sent by strangers asking about family events or new boyfriends or girlfriends. Your email is their only means of communication and they should not be tempted to send inappropriate messages to anyone they don't know.
Addison Rene Easterling is a highly active online personality, and she knows how important social networking is in her world. She makes it look easy with the thousands of fans she has on her social networking profiles. This is why she knows it is important for her to know where all of her fans are located and who they belong to. She also knows that this information can help protect her from predators.
Do not give your kids too much access to the Internet. Addison Rene Easterling, like most other kids her age, uses the Internet because it provides an outlet for her creativity. However, when she starts to share the information about herself and her friends, she can be vulnerable. If she becomes easily influenced by what her friend's post on the Internet, she can put herself at risk.
Don't give your child the Internet password. It is not good for children to be able to log into the computer without you knowing it. Even if you give them the computer, they should never give their Internet password out to anyone else. Addison Rene Easterling is not the first person you would turn to if you need to find out where your children are going on the Internet, so it is a good idea to give them their own computer.
Always be alert to what your children are doing on the Internet. If you don't see your child on the computer, be sure to ask them questions before letting them do things on the Internet. Don't let them set up a profile for something they don't know anything about or if they are putting themselves at risk for harm.